The Tiberius Show EP 174 Dr Kevin Payne

What is the difference between a professional skydiver and a normal one? Why do people skydive? Are you worried about getting hurt? What advice would you give my listeners if they want to go skydiving? All these questions and so much more are answ…

The Tiberius Show EP 173 Amber Fasula

What is ADD? How are ADD people different that other people? What does a clinical psychologist do? What EEG Biofeedback? Can I really play video games with my mind? How does being a clinical psychologist make the world a better place. All these questions and so much more will be answered by Dr. Amber Fasula […]

The Tiberius Show EP 172 Trevor Alexander

Lifelong gamer and father Trevor Alexander talks about how to introduce positive games to children and all sorts of stuff that Tiberius wants to know about games. Why are parents allowed to play games that have blood but kids area not? When is a good time to let your kids play games? Why are parents […]

The Tiberius Show EP 171 Max Crumit

Why do we have to pay tolls on certain roads and not others? It is a super secret way to make us pay more taxes? Who owns the roads? Can I have my own road and charge a toll to use it? All these questions and so much more will be answered by Max Crumit. […]

The Tiberius Show EP 170 Bryan Beyer

What exactly is a Chief of Staff? What do they do? Is it different from working for the Sheriff’s Office and say the White House and the President of the United States? How often do you stay at work? What are the fun parts? These questions and so much more will be answered by Chief […]

The Tiberius Show EP 168 Steven Price

What is adoption and why do you need attorneys for it? Do kids get to pick their own parents? Why do we need adoption? How much does it cost and how long does it take? These questions and so much more are answered by our special guest Steven Price. Learn all about this amazing field […]

The Tiberius Show EP 169 Henrique Franhani

How does a film get made? What exactly does a director do? How long does it take? How much money do you have to spend? Can I be an extra in your next film? How much schooling do you need to be a director? Lots and lots of questions are answered by special guest Director […]

The Tiberius Show EP 167 Jared Pietras

Have you ever wanted to be in the Air Force!! Well the combat controller is an amazing job where you get to jump out of airplanes and even blow stuff up!! You have to be very physically fit as well as learn to obey the orders of your commanders. This is a hard but fulfilling […]

The Tiberius Show EP 164 Suzanne Lynn

Suzanne Lynn is a radio personality that runs a business that handles book promotion. How does one get into the book promotion business? Why do books need to be promoted? How do you make people learn about and read more books? And what does book promotion have anything to do with flying drone? All these […]

The Tiberius Show EP 166 Phil Anderson

What does a Mayor do all day? Do they get to sit around the office and sign stuff? How do they pass new laws? What is the hardest part about being in public office? What do you do with all the taxes the people pay? Well today the Mayor of Winter Park Florida, Phil Anderson […]

The Tiberius Show EP 165 David Weinberger

What does a Business intelligence Analyst do? Does the company you work for really use the info you collect? Do you get to see the changes made from the data you gather? How does working for a large firm like Indeed make the world a better place? All these questions and so much more will […]

The Tiberius Show EP 163 Joe Lampp

What does a professional axe thrower do? How big of an axe do you throw? How does one throw an axe? Do you ever worry about chopping off a finger or toe? All these questions and so much more are answered by our expert axe thrower Joe Lampp. Learn about integrity and exponents as well […]

The Tiberius Show EP 162 Krystral Parker

What is a Christian Chamber of Commerce and how is that different from a normal Chamber of Commerce? Why do you think this job is important? What is the craziest thing that has happened what you are at work? Why do companies need a consultant? All these are so much more are answered by Krystal […]

The Tiberius Show EP 161 Steven Amos

What is a wish vacation? How do critically ill children get to get away from it all? What kind of things do they do? What is the most challenging part of doing your job? These questions and so much more this week with Steven Amos from Give Kids the World which provides wish vacations to […]

The Tiberius Show EP 160 Haley Maynard

What does a Fitness Trainer do? Why don’t people just go to PE? What kind of training do you need to be a Personal Trainer? These questions and so much more are answered by Haley Maynard from Tennessee!! During COVID she changed jobs and now is working as an actress and producers. How does that […]

The Tiberius Show EP 159 Ramces Rouzard

What is an Emcee? How does someone get into the film industry? Well Ramces Rouzard is just the guy to answer these questions and so much more. Ramces is a TV Host, Director, Producer and an Emcee!!!! He even has a show that airs on PBS!!! The Reflection Show. If you want to learn about […]

The Tiberius Show EP 158 GW Tolley

TV Host, Self Publishing author, and hear impaired advocate GW Tolley visits the show and talks about all the jobs that he does. How does someone juggle all those jobs? Does anything every get mixed up? What is the best part about doing so many things? All those and more will be answered today on […]

The Tiberius Show EP 157 Joe Burridge

What does a DJ do? Is it a fun job to make a crowd go wild? How does equipment do you need to get started? Do you need a lot of training just to play music? Well Joe Burridge from Birmingham UK will explain all about this amazing industry and his work as DJ JLB!!! […]

The Tiberius Show EP 156 Emily Hanna

How do you safely cross the street. It may seem simple but many people get hit by cars when crossing the street. Emily Hanna is the executive director of Bike/Walk Central Florida which works on making sure the public knows how to increase the safet…

The Tiberius Show EP 155 Ted Bogert

Ted Bogert started a community called Ted’s Community which raised awareness to all sorts of non-profits and people he cared about. He took that idea and moved it to a Facebook LIVE hit show. This week Tiberius gets to learn all about broadcasting LIVE, the good the bad the crazy!! Also they get to review […]

The Tiberius Show EP 154 Angela and Valencia

Twin entertainment icons Angela and Valencia join the show to talk about getting in the entertainment industry and representing the word of God in your work. Reviewing a theme park video game as well a book about dogs and roses. This is sure to be a…

The Tiberius Show EP 153 Rey Ybarra

What is a media-preneur? How does one get in close interviews with the people from Shark Tank? What business gems can you learn from hundreds of interviews with top business people? Well Ray Ybarra is just the guy to ask these questions. media expert, Rey hosts numerous trade shows and expos featuring the contestants from […]

The Tiberius Show EP 152 Ali Khan

Where is Pakistan and what is it like to live there. Meet Ali Khan a broadcaster in Pakistan that has his own podcast called the A.K. Show. He talks about civil issues and wants to be a politician when he grows up. Learn about LION Strong and how t…

The Tiberius Show EP 151 Jazyn Rosario

What does a Pre-suit case manager do? Does she have to wear a suit? What is litigation? Is the law more fun than what they show on TV!! All these questions and so much more will be answered by the Jazlyn Rosario case manager for one of the BIG guys!! You know billboards!! This is […]

The Tiberius Show EP 150 Kenja

What does a RAP artist do?? How does a RAP artist make beats? What are beats? Does anyone get hurt? These questions and so much more are answered by RAP artist Kenja who remotes in from New Castle England!!!! He is featured on Raven Radio one of t…

The Tiberius Show EP 149 Jeff Ramsey

What is construction? Why do people want to build things? How do you plan how much material is needed for a particular job? What does an estimator really do? These questions and so much more are answered by special guest Jeff Ramsey. A estimator and owner of a construction company, Jeff tells all about this […]

The Tiberius Show EP 148 Rosalyn Kahn

What does it take to get on the TEDx stage. Well our next guest Rosalyn Kahn is an expert speaker that shows people how to do just that!!! An author of a number of books Rosalyn talks about all the different aspects of being a professional speaker and getting your message out. Helping with Math, […]

The Tiberius Show EP 147 Juna n Joey

Rising Country Music Stars Juna n Joey visit The Tiberius Show to talk about what it is like to be in the Country Music business. What are the cool parts, the bad parts, and the crazy parts. Why would a kids want to get into country music and how do you turn it into a […]

The Tiberius Show EP 146 Dennis Mallen

What does it take to be a star in the movie industry? Do you still get nervous when you get on set? What is the hardest part about being an actor? All this and so much more was asked by actor/movie star Dennis Mallen and boy did he deliver. Learn a…