Securities Broker – Brad Shepherd

What exactly is a Real Estate and Securities broker? Do you break things? Why did you decide real estate was what you wanted to work with? What kind of projects do work on? Why do you call this passive real estate, What does passive mean? How much money do I have to have to be […]

Financial Advisor – Rick Salmeron

What exactly is a financial advisor, and what do you do? How did you get interested in the subject of earning and saving money? If you are helping other people save money, how do YOU make money? Do you have to have alot of money to use your services? What is the largest expense that […]

Nurse Practitioner – Monica Sanford

What is an acute nurse practitioner and how is that different from a normal nurse. What is cardiology and why was were you interested in it? Does this job require alot of training? What kind of tasks does a nurse practitioner have to do every day? What was the most frustrating part about the pandemic […]

Voice of the Panthers – Mark Domeier

What exactly is the voice of the Panthers? Who are these Panthers? Have you always wanted to be a sports announcer? Do you just do the intros or do you cover the entire game? Do you ever mess up on people’s names? Do you announce your team better than the opposite team? All these questions […]

Gameshow Host – Mike Montague

How did you become a gameshow host for Google and Subway? When did you decide to turn running a gameshow into a business? What kind of games do you play? Why is it good for adults to be playful humans? Do you have to have alot of training? How do you get people to play […]

Microgreens – Connor Hiebel

What exactly are microgreens and why do you grow them? Are they better than the full grown plants? Why make a company around it? Do they taste good? Can you live on just microgreens? Why did you get into microgreens as a kid? How can someone grow their own microgreens? Do they keep having to […]