Are You A Songwriter? Do You Want To Learn How To Take Your Music To The Next Level?

Songwriting is an art that anyone with an interest in music can master 

– in fact, the more you are affected by music, the higher your chances of success.

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You love music right?

Do you like the idea of taking a thought, and turning it into something tangible?…

Something that has the power to give someone goosebumps – or make their eyes watery with emotion?

So many people have hidden talents that they suspected they might have, but wasted them because they never planted the seed and watered it.

You might be pursuing a dream in music, but ‘missing a piece of the puzzle’….this missing piece of the puzzle could be holding you back from becoming a legend one day.

I know what you are thinking…. ‘all the best songs have been written’… ‘all the best rifts are taken’. This is nonsense. Language and music is infinite…. poetry is infinite – and that’s what songwriting is…. poetry in the form of music.

With the history of music at the click of a finger, thanks to technology, tools and resources – your favourite riff can be moments away from being sampled, twisted and moulded to your liking. Now all you need is a song. There has never been a better time to learn the art of songwriting.

Don’t be put off if you don’t play an instrument or are unable to sing. Songwriting is a very rewarding art that is treasured as much as painting, sculpting, or writing.

A great song can stick around forever. It’ll be played endlessly on the radio, covered by different artists and in all manner of styles, and butchered by karaoke wannabe’s. Your work could easily be passed through the ages….

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